Archives: Projects

Portfolio projects

17 Dec 2020



I saw two Harley Davidson chrome fenders at a scrapyard. The rear fender was really wide and immediately reminded me of a catfish’s open mouth. I was already creating a catfish sculpture in my head. My vision didn’t fail me – it came out graceful and, of course, big… It’s a catfish as old as I am, so it’s no surprise that its vision is a little weak, especially in the right eye…

Parts used:

. Body – parts of a washing machine drum and a Harley Davidson rear fender

. Tail – bicycle lamp housing, part of an antique washing board

. Fins – old golf iron heads

. Head – part of a Harley Davidson rear fender, chrome fruit bowl, ladle, hubcap, furniture handle

Dimensions: 45x50x100 cm

Weight: 6kg

Price: 2500Eur



steampunk catfish from metal

steampunk fish

fish from trash

fish sculpture

steampunk catfish sculpture

golf Club

06 Dec 2018


  Diver . The idea was suggested by the customer. At her request, this was ought to be a picture in a frame. I had the parts necessary for the artwork, so the work did not take long. The main body part is made of a motorcycle engine cover. I installed a compass and a tap there. These details gave additional charm and mood. I used a stainless-steel teapot for the sea diver’s helmet. The body of an old perforator served as legs.

Parts used:

  • The diver’s body – a motorcycle engine cover.
  • The head – a stainless steel teapot.
  • Hands – aluminum electrical socket body.
  • Legs – electric punch body.

Dimensions: 73 x 73 cm

Weight: 8.3kg

Year: 2018





diver metal

Diver metal assemblage

trash art

steampunk octopus

06 Dec 2018


Cactus metal. So far this is the most extraordinary idea I have successfully implemented. An old teapot and some oblong-shape aluminum parts later transformed to a beautiful blooming cactus. I had to use a lot of metal rivets, so they would represent spines. My metal cactus serves a functional purpose as well – it holds a tequila bottle inside. A special green fabric case has been made for this purpose.

Dimensions: 40x30x22cm

Weight: 2.5kg

Price: Sold

Year: 2018





steampunk cactus

tequila container

trash metal cactus

recycle cactus


06 Dec 2018


 Snail . I am a regular visitor of scrap metal yards. There I can find different items for my work. This time I was attracted by a turbine. First thought that came to my mind was that it could serve as a snail shell, and the body could be perfectly made of an engine cover from an old soviet motorcycle. The parts suggested an idea this must be no ordinary snail, but rather a snail-racer. I even had to install a speedometer and a ringleted metal trumpet issuing an audio signal. I made the head of the snail from two hookah sets. In general, I’ve made a very slowly hurrying racer.

Parts used:

  •  Shell – a car turbine, a teapot, parts of a lamp
  •  Body – a motorcycle engine cover
  • The head – hookah metal part
  • The wheel protection – from a children’s scooter

Dimensions: 35x45x34 cm

Weight: 5kg

Year: 2018


Snail sculpture

Snail metal sculpture

metal art

 steampunk sculpture

Recycle sculpture

 scrap metal

06 Dec 2018


Knight metal. This is a not typical theme for my works. The idea was suggested by a glass holder from soviet times, that I purchased in a shop of antiques. The shape of the holder reminded me of a knight’s armor, because the holder was decorated with typical decorations and specific ornaments. I just had to find some waste, that would serve as the arms, legs, head and weapon. The weapon, made of earrings, is especially interesting. A peculiar coincidence – there already was an inscription “Not war make love” engraved on them. This really suited the chosen topic. I decided to choose unpainted parts for my sculpture. For me it was important, because I wanted to emphasize the shiny image of a knight. His helmet I decorated with feathers, which were made of springs from old watches.

Parts used:

  •  Armor – a glass holder.
  •  Head – a metal goblet.
  •  Feathers – springs from old watches.
  •  Legs – candlesticks.
  •  Weapon – an earing.
  • Oval sole – a picture frame.

Dimensions: 30x17x13cm

Weight: 1kg

Year: 2018






knight sculpture

steampunk knight

metal knight



06 Dec 2018


Medusa metal. And there again a theme related to the sea depth. I just cannot resist sea inhabitants. This time it is a medusa familiar to us due to its strange shape. I accidentally found a cake baking form. It was ideal for creating this sculpture. Of course, a car engine gas emission pipe node served as well. It perfectly fitted under the cap of the jellyfish. For the image strengthening, I installed some other devices. One of them shows time, the other – the pressure in the robotic body of the jellyfish. The main device showing the wind strength, rain and even a storm is located in the center of the cap. The sculpture may be rotated to the desired direction.

Parts used:

  • Cake baking form
  • Car gas emission collector
  • Watch “Waltham”
  • Atmosphere pressure gauge

Dimensions: 88x36x35 cm

Weight: 8kg

Price: 600Eur

Year: 2018

medusa sculpture

Jellyfish metal sculpture

Steampunk medusa

medusa from metal

Metal sculpture

23 Jan 2018


Ostrich metal. As soon as I noticed an ostrich I understood that it can be a good object to fulfill my ideas. That’s a bird symbolizing speed, power and gracefulness. The main detail which the creative process began with was the bend part of the saxophone. Her graceful bending matched with the neck of an metal ostrich.

Parts used:

  • A body is corps of the lamp of the motorcycle, I only put a turbine instead of glass. Then it became a turbo ostrich.
  • It took me the most time to make wings. A lot of aluminum teaspoons have been used for that, welding has not been used, everything has been fortified with the help of rivets and screws.
  • The head is covered with safety helmet that is made of aluminum wire.
  • Legs have been made with the help of the parts of pedals of bicycles and “metal teeth” made of the field implements.

However, no matter what fast it is, its end is clear enough. The ostrich is standing on the frying pan, truly, upside-down…

Dimensions: 52 x 27 x 70 cm

Weight: 6.4kg

Year: 2017


Ostrich sculpture

Metal ostrich

Steampunk ostrich

Ostrich metal sculpture

Trash art

05 Jan 2018

Big walrus

Morse. The emergence of this sculpture was initiated by the old scissors which was received from the aunt to chop the fins. Their curved shape fated this scissors to become hawthorn. Later everything self-assured. Again everything turned into the feeling as if I‘m creating the animation movie character. That‘s the way it goes by itself, as I‘m trying to represent each animal with unusual attributes and shapes. Then they become interesting, even funny, but it‘s exactly my wish and my purpose – to cause curiosity in people and reward a smile. I think that a good dose of humor haven‘t hurt anyone until now.

Some time ago I had created a walrus but it was much smaller. It completely surpassed my expectations. That‘s a real diving champion.

Parts used:

  • Body is an aluminium pot, the corps of vacuum cleaner, aluminium plate, three tablespoons, a motor boat engine screw, aluminum wire;
  • Morse Fins – aluminium boat bows.

Dimensions: 70 x 77 x 40 cm

Year: 2017



Steampunk morse sculpture

Metal morse

Morse sculpture

morse mustache

Metal art

05 Jan 2018


Mole. Once upon a time a mole lived and he has his own hole (a house). It was his portable property which could stand anywhere and no land tax had to be paid for this because it was a mole, spectacled and armed, with exclusive length nails which helped him to dig the longest tunnel with very little effort. Of course, he didn‘t know anything about the secret exit. A caterpillar was running out through it as soon as he started feeling danger. It always happened but as soon as it gets to know about it, that will end or maybe they‘ll become friends… That‘s the story that was born in a head while I was turning over the corps of vacuum cleaner in my hands.
A mole hole is the corps of an old vacuum cleaner. A body is a corps of a truck lamp, the part of illuminator and an aluminium plate. Mustache is a steel wire. Hands are an aluminium 8 mm wire, 12 mm aluminium tubes and 2 plates. Glasses are the part of old theatre binoculars. A spotlight is a luminaire hood and a car antenna tip.

Parts used:

  • A mole hole is the corps of an old vacuum cleaner;
  • A body is a corps of a truck lamp, the part of illuminator and an aluminium plate;
  • Mustache is a steel wire;
  • Hands are an aluminium 8 mm wire, 12 mm aluminium tubes and 2 plates;
  • Glasses are the part of old theatre binoculars;
  • A spotlight is a luminaire hood and a car antenna tip.

A MOLE HOLE. This portable property belongs to a mole until the end of his life. Without the right to sell, exchange or rent for other wild animals. Confirmed by A.T. 2017.

Dimensions: 34 x 35 x 40 cm

Year: 2017


Mole sculpture

Mole Metal sculpture

Mole steampunk metal sculpture

Trash art

20 Jul 2017


Cachalot. This piece of art was created quite accidentally. I was assembling the sculpture at my studio and while looking for a proper part, I saw an old sewing machine corps cover dropped a long time ago. I’ve found another one identical cover, mixed up with each other in my minds and I have already imagined the result of the future work. The idea of combining the submarine and the sea resident sperm whale was in my mind because they looked somehow similar to me. I had to use my imagination to make this attractive bathyscaphe and cachalot hybrid.

Parts used:

  • Corps of sperm whale – submarine corps – two sewing machine corps covers.
  • The head – aluminum cup.
  • The tail – vacuum cleaner nozzle and part of the bicycle seat.
  • The periscope – shower hose brass nozzle and spotlight body with magnifying glass.

This work is finished using aerosol and acrylic paint.

Dimensions:  60 x 11 x 45 cm

Weight: 2500g

Year: 2017



Steampunk cachalot

Cachalot metal

steampunk art

steampunk sculptures

recycle art







22 May 2017


Chameleon. I‘ve noticed that a lot of people like my chameleons. I‘ve already created four of them. They‘re interesting and weird living beings which charm with their color and strange shape of body. I always find compositions of different textures and colors. Each of them is lovely for me even though that one among the blossoms I like most. Chameleons are charming creatures.

Parts used:

  • The head is a jar from sour cream;
  • The legs are tea spoons;
  • The tail – 8 mm aluminium wire;
  • Plant fragments – elements of illuminator, aluminium spoons;
  • The butterfly is made of clock’s wheel, clockwise;
  • The background is created in wall decorating principle with relief plaster.

Dimensions: 60×60 cm

Year: 2017



Metal flowers

 chameleon metal


11 May 2017


Dancer. Once, a sea shell got in my hands reminiscent of a skirt with its shape, at least I thought so. An explosive idea to create a girl’s figure in a dance moves came. I’ve made hands and legs out of the spoons. Metal cup was perfect for the waist. A head is furniture handle, strands of hair is a clockwork spring. This is a crowned dancer. She has the old copper teapot detail on her head which looks like the crown.

Dimensions: 26 x 46 cm

Year: 2012


Dancer assemblage

dancer metal art

dancer steampunk art