
Mantis. A fantastic insect. I created it using MOSKVICH tail lights and fragments of bicycles, car radio antennas and other parts that I found. The shape of the Praying Mantis’s body and its aggressive appearance are very effective and a favorite subject for many artists. This insect captivated me as well. By the way, the praying mantis has already been spotted in Lithuania.


 Body – tail light of MOSKVICH 408, metal furniture leg, aluminum tin

Head– MOSKVICH 412 car rear turn, radio antennas, bicycle emblem, serving container

 Legs – car antennas, 5mm rod, bicycle star elements, vacuum cleaner “Rocket” mechanisms

Dimensions: 90 x 37 x 55 cm

Weight: 2.60kg

Year: 2020

Price: Sold

insect mantis sculpture

steampunk mantis

 mantis from metal

 insect sculpture from found objects

animal sculpture