
This cannon was assembled from objects found in a scrap yard. This time I went after the brass and bronze waste section. I managed to find some things that I liked, which suggested the theme for this sculpture. I already had all the necessary elements, so all that remained was to properly connect them together.

Militaristic is not a favorite subject of my work. As I mentioned earlier, themes for creation come impromptu when I find objects of the right shape and material. I chose bronze and brass as the material because of the color. I really like its natural patina and especially the green with various shades. This gives the sculpture a certain charm, and the details make you look more closely at their origins .Cannon is my first work on a militaristic theme, but not my last.


Found objects from bronze and brass.

Dimensions: 22x45cm

Weight: 4.4kg

Year: 2023

Price: 450Eur

steampunk cannon

cannon sculpture

cannon sculpture from metal

scrap metal sculpture

cannon from found objects

scrap metal art